Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

To be an intelligent textile manufacturer
Serving the public and creating value

Enterprise spirits

8 policies
  • Operation Idea

    Service, innovation, efficiency, unity
  • Management strategy

    Caring, saving, learning, sharing

Service: service is the means of value creation

Think what customers think, think what they don't think, and create value for customers by providing perfect solutions. Within the enterprise, the next process is the customer of the previous process, and the business department is the customer of the functional department. Each employee should have customer awareness, provide services for customers through business process activities, and finally create value for the public.

Innovation: innovation is the source of value creation

Only innovation can adapt to the changes of the times and customers, and only innovation can enhance the competitiveness of the company. The company needs to build a sound innovation mechanism, employees need to constantly improve their innovation ability, and provide value to customers through continuous and creative work.

High efficienc::high efficiency is the guarantee of value creation

High efficiency is executive power. It can take actions automatically and immediately to solve problems. Every employee should have a sense of management and be responsible for the final results. The work should not only be efficient, but also effective. Unity: unity and cooperation, cohesion to achieve the goal

Unity: unity and cooperation, cohesion to achieve the goal

In today's society, no one can complete all the work independently, which requires us to abandon the departmentalism, take into account the overall situation in everything, work together and cooperate with each other in case of difficulties, and do the work well, carefully and in place.

Caring: caring for employees and promoting the common development of employees and enterprises

Employees are the precious wealth of the company. We always care for employees through practical actions, let them have a sense of belonging, and provide a broad development platform for the realization of their personal value. Only when employees can share weal and woe with the company, can the company be full of vitality, harmonious and healthy development.

Saving: saving resources and building environment-friendly enterprises

Natural resources are closely related to human beings. Without resources, human beings can not survive. Saving is not only a virtue, but also the necessity of sustainable development. We practice economy, oppose waste, advocate circular economy, and contribute to beautiful China through green development of enterprises.

Learning: keep learning and keep up with the times

Emerge in an endless stream of new technologies, such as industry 4, Internet plus, AI, etc., we must continue to learn and update knowledge structure in time, otherwise we will be eliminated by the times. The company actively creates learning conditions for employees, and employees should form the habit of lifelong learning, constantly improve their own quality and ability, and keep up with the pace of the development of the times.

Sharing: sharing, the company and employees achieve common development

The success of the company is inseparable from the contribution of the employees. The development of the company also promotes the realization of the personal value of the employees. The company is willing to share the benefits brought by the enterprise development with the employees, and the employees are willing to share the knowledge and experience with their colleagues, so as to realize the common development of the company, the employees and the society.

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